The following is a list of resources. This list isn't exhaustive.
If you know of any other good resources, or if any of the links are broken please let us know. Gender Clinics The Gender Centre Sydney based multidisciplinary centre. Lots of great resources and information on their website. Annandale , NSW. Monash Gender Dysphoria Clinic Southern Community Mental Health Service 352 South Road, Moorabbin, 3179 Under 18 Gender Clinics Information for Families Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Dysphoria Service – Melbourne Melbourne based multi-disciplinary team of Psychiatrists, Adolescent Physicians, Endocrinologists and Gynecologists. Gender Clinic, Westmead Children’s Hospital Sydney based gender clinic is currently run 1 day per month Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Children’s Gender Clinic State-wide service offering service to all Queensland residents and some parts of Northern NSW. Staffed by Endocrine, Psychiatry, Psychology and Nursing health professionals. Providing information, mental health support and medical interventions with families of children and young people of diverse gender up to 18 years of age. Phone (07) 3069 7377 Email: [email protected] Canberra Hospital Paediatric Endocrinology Gender Clinic Medical Care Guidelines UCSF Transgender Care Treatment Guidelines University of California, San Francisco Medical Center which is Center of Excellence for Transgender Health have published covering a wide range of topics from hormones to pain Gender Affirming Surgery Options Trans Healthcare Directory Support Networks NSW ACON SA Shine Gender Wellbeing TRANS HEALTH SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Resources for the Gender Diverse Community of SA & Home of the SA Practitioners List Family Support Networks Gender Help for Parents Great site with supports for parents with children of all ages from young children to adults. General Resources National LGBTI Health Alliance Genders, Bodies and Relationships Passport A passport to document in one place key medical facts and preferences. Designed to help communication with care providers and promote respectful treatment. Crisis Supports QLife QLife – 1800 184 527 (3pm to Midnight everyday) Web Chat Service – (3pm to Midnight) QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. Pivot Point SMART Recovery group for trans folks wanting help with alcohol and/or drug issues as well as other behaviours wanting to make change in (hoarding, gambling, shopping etc). Lots of information, resources and contact information. Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 (24/7) Web Chat Service – (3pm to midnight) Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467 (24/7) Web Chat Service – Operates 24/7 Lifeline – 13 11 14 (24/7) Webchat – Operates 7pm to midnight (Sydney time) Kids Help Line – 1800 55 1800 (24/7) For ages 5 to 25 years. Web chat Service – 24/7 1800 RESPECT – phone 1800 737 732 National sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service. Services Fertility Preservation Rainbow Fertility Rainbow Fertility is the first dedicated fertility and IVF service provider in Australia to cater exclusively for the LGBTI+ community. They have extremely competitive prices for fertility preservation if commencing hormone therapy. Hair Removal Peach Clinics Peach Clinics are located in Sydney and Melbourne, and offer intensive treatment options for hair removal - with the option of four one week treatments over 6 months for intensive permanent removal of facial hair. Binders Transform Transwear Australian business creating comfortable chest binders, post-top surgery binders, tucking underwear and outerwear. Software Support Setmore Used for appointment bookings. [email protected] Medirecords Used for managing medical records including s-scripts, blood test results, blood test request forms, plans and correspondence. MediRecords Support Desk 1300 103 903 [email protected] To share your Medirecords app account, either to connect it for the first time or to share blood pressure or other information open the app and go to Share Records -> Full Records -> Type in 'The Telehealth Gender Clinic' and select it -> Click on the share icon in the top right hand corner -> Click 'Yes' to Confirm. Zoom Used for video appointments. |